About Schoolita

“Schoolita” follows a philosophy that is highly influenced by the Montessori methods yet also weaves in many Waldorf qualities, along with Reggio Emilio educational teaching ways. We are a small school. There is a ratio of one or two adults to ten children. Our maximum capacity is a total of ten children. The smallness creates a very rich intimate experience.


We use positive guidance and redirection for discipline. We try to help the child develop self-control, self esteem, and respect for others.

Health & Safety

The welfare of each child is important to us and we are striving to provide a safe and sanitary environment for the children.

To aid in the prevention of spreading germs (especially in the cold and flu season). We encourage lots of hand washing throughout the day.

School Attire

Wear comfortable play clothes. We do use aprons for painting but there are no guarantees against spills, etc. so “special clothes” should be worn with caution.

Please bring an extra change of clothes in a shoe box with their name on it. These will be for emergencies or soiled wet clothes.


We have a special celebration for each child on their birthday. Please speak to me about details. You will be asked to: make a picture poster of each year of their life, bring a small gift for the school, and bring their favorite snack. The snacks must be store bought and ready to eat. Each parent and/or other family member is welcome to join in the celebration. Thank you- Muchas Gracias 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At Schoolita Alegria, we are committed to treating all individuals as equals, with kindness and respect. We are united in the pursuit to end racial and ethnic bias and to empower our students toward this collective goal.